Thursday 13 August 2009

SWG Day 1

I haven't done much on Star Wars Galaxies today due to the fact that the server's have gone down for server maintenance, I have basically just been in a friends house(in the game) talking to 2 of my friends about various things in the game. I will update this later if I do anything else.

Wednesday 12 August 2009

The droid I want

This is the schematic to the next droid im hoping to get, I better start earning some credits to get it I suppose.((Couldn't get the picture to be without the white rectangle too so hope it doesn't look too bad to all of you))

My new Magnaguard droid on SWG

This is my new Magnaguard droid on SWG, i named him Fight because he loves a good fight and is a great tank.
This is the same type of droid droid that General Grievous used as his personal bodyguards.

Online Games: The 3 Best IMO

The 3 online games I alternate between are StarWars Galaxies, Everquest 2 and Lord of the Rings online.
Star Wars Galaxies is obviously set in the Star Wars Universe, you make your own character and play with hundreds of thousands of other gamers around the world it is made by Sony Online Entertainment, the maximum level you can get too is 90. There are planets called: Naboo, Rori, Tatooine, Lok, Corellia, Talus, Dantooine, Dathomir, Kashyyk, Endor, Mustafar, Yavin IV and also in Ord Mantell space instead of going to to the planet surface there is a Space Station called Nova Orion where people can land and get space quests and other things. Everquest 2 is a game set in a fantasy world which is like Medieval Earth. There are good races, which can only start in good places, like Qeynos and Kelethin, neutral races which can start anywhere and Evil races which can only start in evil places such as Freeport and Gorowin, there are many different zones but to the best of my knowledge it is all one world. Lord of the Rings online is set in Middle Earth, the story so far has got up to The Mines of Moria and there are special quests called book's in which you go through the book's, as I have said we have only got to The Mines of Moria which is nearing the end of book one. There are other things which are not mentioned in the Lord of the Rings books and films as well but my favourite thing about it are the instances. I hope you now know about my favourite online games, see ya around,
